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Women's History Month 2024

Authored by British Online Archives
Published on 1st March, 2024 2 min read

Women's History Month 2024

This March is Women’s History Month, a celebration that occurs annually and which began in 1987 in the United States of America. Despite discrimination, hardships, and exclusion, women throughout history have strived for equality. Women’s History Month provides an opportunity to recognise the contributions that women have made to history, society, and culture. 

The month is likewise about amplifying women’s voices, not only in the past, but in the present too. Although the month originated in the United States, it is celebrated, alongside International Women’s Day, in the United Kingdom and Australia. Generations of women have pushed boundaries, broken patriarchal ideals, and shaped human progress. Throughout this month it is important to celebrate lesser-known women and to understand their role in moulding the world that we live in today. 

Representation is important. I think it fills an internal yearning that validates you and almost gives you permission to take your place in the professional world. It says that you can, it says that you should, it says glass and concrete ceilings can be broken—Paula Cummins, Kingston University London

Every year the National Women's History Alliance designates a theme for Women's History Month. This year it is "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion”. This theme recognises "women throughout the country who believe a positive future can only be achieved by eliminating bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions”.

Women’s History Month is all about bringing women’s stories to the fore. It is about changing traditional narratives and celebrating the typically overlooked women who have played major roles in shaping society. Women’s History Month is also about recognising how far women have come in terms of equality. We have by no means achieved full gender equality in contemporary society. Yet looking at, and celebrating, past accomplishments can prompt and shape change.

Authored by British Online Archives

British Online Archives

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