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Introducing our newest services: automated invoice processing and e-invoicing

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At Microform, we constantly search for new technology and services to help our clients and customers, and with that in mind, we’ve recently launched our invoice processing and digital mailroom service.

What is automated invoice processing?

Managing cash flow is something that causes concern for every business owner, but these worries can be eased with automated online invoicing, which encompasses the entire process that accounts payable uses to handle supplier invoices.

Put simply, when invoices are done on an automated basis, large amounts of time and money can be saved, no matter what industry you’re in, or how small your business might be.

What are the benefits of automated invoice processing?

The benefits are huge, and can offer your company far more than just monetary savings:

  • Automation allows for accurate processing that totally eliminates human error.

  • Our processing system allows for easy access, monitoring, and reporting in near real-time, so that there is a full audit trail available 24 hours a day.

  • It allows for ultimate insight and transparency with a real-time dashboard that allows for the retrieval of data on short notice.

  • Our automated processing immerses itself seamlessly with your current software and processes.

  • Paper is eliminated and the risk of losing invoices is decreased entirely.

  • Due to its accuracy and efficiency, long-term business relationships can be maintained through timely and carefully processed invoices.

What’s more, automated processing means that finance departments are able to focus on more pressing issues within the company, such as dealing with late payments and benefiting from early payment discounts.

What about e-invoicing?

Alongside our automated online invoicing, we also offer robust and accurate e-invoicing services.

As you’re probably aware, businesses receive invoices in a variety of digital and physical forms, but with e-invoicing, this can all be diverted to our digital mailroom, where our invoice processing team can scan and sort them directly onto your system.

With automated capturing, the invoices will be sent in your requested format, which will be forwarded directly to your web portal.

Why you should choose Microform for invoice processing and e-invoicing

Underpinned by the latest technologies, we’re constantly assisting companies by helping them through the often-complex processes of digital transformation.

With that in mind, we know exactly how to introduce companies to new systems, as well as training employees and working with the business to get the maximum amount of benefit from the technology.

Additionally, both automated invoicing and e-invoicing offers a massive boost to your internal security systems, and Microform adheres to a range of British Standards and accreditations to ensure that every piece of work we carry out is in line with best practice:

  • BS ISO/IEC 27001:2013 — Information Security Management System

  • BS EN ISO 9001:2008 — Quality Management System

  • BS EN ISO 14001:2004 — Environmental Management System

  • BS 10008:2008 — Evidential weight and legal admissibility of electronic information*

*This includes data processing and consequently relates to the authenticity and integrity of data, helping organisations to comply with the law and legal procedures.

With over 50 years’ experience, Microform is one of the most trusted businesses in the digital industry and we have supported and worked for companies from a wealth of backgrounds, including both public and private organisations.

Working with companies that prioritise the safety and security of their data and information, we invest in the tightest possible security procedures to keep your assets safe.

If you want to know more about how Microform can help you with either of our automated invoice processing or e-invoicing services, call us on 0330 053 6300 or check out our contact page.