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Ideal for:

  • Simple, secure storage

  • Bespoke online storage

  • Reducing paper storage

  • Remote digital access

  • Easy retrieval and access

  • Maintaining compliance

Embrace the digital benefits of cloud storage.

Digital documents that require long-term yet accessible storage benefit from cloud storage – a simple and efficient way to store, access and retrieve documents online. At Microform, we offer externally-hosted cloud based storage, as well as the option to integrate to your internal cloud storage of choice such as SharePoint, Google Cloud and Microsoft One Drive.

/ The Benefits

Search & Retrieve

Full-text search functionality that searches on both document metadata and OCR data means you can access and retrieve the information you're looking for without hassle.

Free-up Space

Placing documents in storage instantly frees up office space that could be used to introduce new equipment, upgrade working conditions, welcome new staff, or move all operations remotely.

Guarantee future access

Documents can still be retrieved and accessed safe in the knowledge that they are fully protected from potential damage, loss, theft and deterioration.

Maintain full compliancy

Archiving documents professionally, improves compliancy and retrieval by ensuring safe, secure and appropriate storage of private and confidential information.

Document Security

Our cloud management systems are completely bespoke with the option to include unique security and access features to ensure only those granted permission can retrieve specific documents.

/ Who We Help

Archiving and Libraries
Human Resources
Manufacturing and Engineering
Marketing and Advertising
Real Estate
Register Offices
Transportation and Logistics

/ How It Works

1 / Consultation

Based on an honest and expert assessment of your requirements, we discuss, advise and recommend a suitable scanning solution for your business.

2 / Collection

Your materials are picked up and safely transported to our facilities. Before we leave, all materials are checked to ensure nothing is left behind.

3 / Scanning

Upon arrival, your documents are thoroughly inspected before we carefully prepare them for the scanning process. Once digitised, the images undergo a rigorous quality assurance procedure to ensure legibility, completeness and where appropriate, pagination.

4 / Indexing

Scanned images are indexed (named) as per your instructions. This is achieved by using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software and techniques to capture information on the document automatically or by manually keying the information in from the scanned image.

5 / Delivery

Your digital images are delivered to you for approval by your preferred method along with your original documents.

6 / Destruction

If you longer wish to keep your original documents, we will arrange for them to be securely destroyed or recycled at our facilities.

/ Why choose Us?

It’s a family affair

We’re proud to fly the flag for family-run businesses, and although our team has grown significantly over the last 60 years, we still bring a personal touch to everything we do.

Credible document protection

To keep your documents safe in our care, we implement strict security measures and undergo regular disaster recovery and business continuity risk assessments. You can read more about our processes, standards and accreditations here.

Individual design

Our bespoke document management and cloud management systems are tailored to support your business or organisation with its own unique challenges.

Respect for privacy

80% of the materials we work with contain sensitive information that you can trust us to handle in the strictest confidence. At your request, we’re happy to comply with non-disclosure agreements too.

We’ve got you covered

We work with a team of document management specialists, leading industry partners and state-of-the-art technology to provide one of the UK’s most comprehensive range of document management services.

Integrity guaranteed

Taking into consideration format, age and condition, your documents are treated with the greatest respect by our skilled, knowledgeable and experienced handlers.

/ Our Accreditations