Negative film scanning: the facts you need to know

Over the past ten or so years, we’ve noticed a growing demand for negative film scanning.
As the world becomes evermore digital, people all over the UK are looking to preserve their memories and most precious moments in digital form.
The advance of digital technology has left many aspects of traditional photography behind, but Microform is here to help preserve your memories with our negative film scanning services.
Why Microform can help you save memories with negative film scanning
There’s no doubt that domestic scanners have come on a great deal in the past 20 years, but with that in mind, they are still unable to scan negative film rolls.
At Microform, however, we have specialist scanners from some of the most respected brands in the industry, including the likes of Kodak and Nextscan. These machines are able to carry out high-quality scans while preserving the integrity of the original film.
Some of the film types that we are able to scan include:
35mm slides
35mm camera negatives
Half-plate negatives
Glass-plate negatives
X-ray negatives
Why you should scan negative films for the future
Although we all like to look after our photographs and negative films, there’s little doubt that they eventually become worn and damaged simply from our enjoyment and the passage of time.
By having your memories scanned by a professional negative film scanning service, you can build a secure, easy-to-use, and accessible digital image archive of your very own.
Enjoy a choice of file formats
No matter what kind of service we provide for our clients, we always like to offer as many options and choices as possible.
And for this reason, we can offer scanned images as JPEG or TIFF files.
If you’re looking for high-quality images, you’ll be glad to know that JPEG images offer high-quality results while taking up only small amounts of digital space.
They also offer different levels of compression, which means that you are able to decide how large or small a file might be while maintaining a desired level of quality.
For those who are photography enthusiasts, or are professionals themselves, TIFF formats are used when the highest possible level of quality is desired.
Although they are indeed superior to JPEG files in terms of quality, it is important to remember that they can take up an incredible amount of hard drive space.
Once the digital images have been produced, and have been approved, when then offer them on a choice of devices chosen by you, including on:
USB sticks
Hard Drives
Dropbox applications
The Microform promise
Whether you’re an organisation or a private individual searching for negative scanning services, we ensure to safely store and secure each and every image while they are on our premises.
Using the tightest levels of security in controlled environments, we even offer marked and trackable vans to deliver orders to and from our customers.
Being that over 80 per cent of the work that we carry out involves strictly confidential material, each member of our team is required to sign confidentiality agreements before work can begin.
If you want to know more about some of the safety procedures that we have in place, or anything else about our negative film scanning service, call us on 01924 825700 or visit our contact page.