All you need to know about data archiving

Now more than ever businesses of all shapes and sizes are starting to turn to data archiving to ensure the security and longevity of the information and data that they hold.
With the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law coming into play in May 2018, it’s now more important than ever that businesses throughout the UK adhere to strict legal guidelines to ensure that information is protected.
How does data archiving work?
We offer a range of historical data archiving services that are able to scan, process, index, and store a huge quantity of information from a wide range of formats including:
Glass Plates
Medical records
Financial Contracts
Can individuals, public, or non-profit organisations benefit from data archiving?
Yes, Microform has worked with a range of individuals and organisations, including charities, libraries, museums, councils, and research facilities.
Up to 80 per cent of the material that enters our facilities is confidential, which means that we adhere to strict security and environmental guidelines to ensure the safety of everything within the Microform buildings so that they are protected to the highest level.
What’s more, each and every member of our team has to sign confidentially agreements to ensure the tightest security processes possible.
What are the direct benefits of data archiving?
Aside from the aforementioned security aspects, depending on what kind of business or organisation you might be, there are many everyday advantages to the archiving of data:
One of the largest benefits of data archiving is the improved speed at which organisations are able to locate and access files and information.
Whereas before it might have taken large organisations hours or even days to locate single files and data, our cloud technology and management systems mean that files and even individual key terms can be located and retrieved in a matter of seconds
If you happen to be a public-facing organisation, such as a library or museum, we can design bespoke systems so that just about anyone can locate books and files with the greatest of ease.
On the other hand, if you are a company that deals with very private information, such as financial documents, you can restrict access to as few people as you wish, or even go as far as only being able to access it from a single IP address.
Unlimited storage
Physical storage takes up a lot of space, whether you store microfilms or A0 documents, but with digital copies of information, organisations are able to make room for new spaces and expand their businesses to their whim.
Once that information has been scanned, the majority of clients choose to use our secure recycling and destruction facilities which means that papers and documents undergo secure and safe destruction.
Optical Character Recognition
As an additional service, we also offer Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scanning, which means that while the documents are being scanned, each and every letter is being recorded so that they can be identified and indexed.
This also means that typed documents, books, and files can be edited in simple file formats such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
With decades of experience, contact us at to find out how we can help your business with its data archiving needs.