Does document scanning help security?

We all know that security is crucial to every business.
No matter what kind of company you are, whether you’re running a garage or a research facility, security has to be a top priority.
Here at Microform, security is one of the cornerstones of our business, and we take great pride in being able to provide both document scanning and security services and advice to our clients.
As you can imagine, one of the many questions that we encounter is:
What security benefit does document scanning provide?
Like all types of scanning, document scanning provides a wealth of security benefits, both physically and digitally.
Whenever we scan documents for clients, we are in a sense “backing them up” onto a digital format, which means that they are less susceptible to accidents and issues beyond the control of an organisation, such as fires or floods.
Digital files can then be placed on secure Cloud Management Systems, which means that anything that is placed on them is protected throughout the secure ISO27001.
What’s more, companies have the ability to control what level of security is featured on a Cloud Management System, so that employees each have a level of access, controlled by profile and password protections.
This also means that just because one computer goes down (or a whole network), the documents are protected on the cloud server.
We can also set security levels so that cloud management systems can only be accessed from one particular IP address, which can be important if you happen to work with sensitive or confidential information.
The secure Microform process
During the document scanning process, we also ensure that the tightest security measures are enforced at all times, which includes a tracked and marked vehicle picking up and dropping off all files and documents to and from a client.
What’s more on arrival at our highly secure, temperature controlled studio, each and every single one of our conversion experts is specialised in handling confidential, private, sensitive, old, and fragile documents.
Once scanning is complete, the new files are handed back to you by your preferred method, whether this is by SFTP, Cloud Software, HDD, DVD, or even CD.
This means that we can provide one of the most robust and trusted document scanning services in the industry.
After scanning is complete, can Microform dispose of old documents?
Another one of our main offerings is our document disposal service, which takes place on our very own premises.
This is often advantageous to companies that do not want to keep their documents, and would like to have them physically destroyed.
If a company opts to have their documents destroyed, we send them through a secure process of shredding, compaction, and recycling.
This means that no trace of an original document can be recovered.
If you want to know more about how Microform can help the security of your documents and files, then check out our contact page, or call us on 01924 825 700.